In this blog entry I will try to outline some of benefits and harms of including Twitter in education.
David Silver writes in the latest edition of "the cronicle of higher education" that twitter is a very good tool in the classroom. Both because it makes the students aware of what they post online, because they can follow and comment other student's work, because they feel like a community of 21st century citizens, and because the short message system of Twitter gives them an easy of of just giving the teacher a link to their works instead of physical papers.
It seems that people can not get enough of Twitter. In the UK teaching about Twitter is even part of the curriculum the Guardian writes. When making a quick view of articles on the use of twitter in education it seems there are endless amounts of praises for this instrument. One can fast and easy tell the students about next time's class, about cancelling of classes, share links, make role plays of famous historical persons etc etc (see fx this article by K Walsh where people praise Twitter as an instrument in the classroom). All of this makes sense and sounds great.
It becomes more interesting then to look at the 'harm' of using Twitter. One of the first things that comes to my mind is that I do not always wish to be online... and when I am online I prefer it to be for more private matters. I can have my own private Twitter account for keeping us with long lost friends and to follow news ... but if I also have to use this for my 'career' as a student... then I am not sure I will ever be 'off' duty. Furthermore the online world has so many possibilities... and also so many possibilites to procastinate, be distracted and not be so serious. Somehow tweeting is for me far away from the academic more serious world of the university. This is something that is also adressed in the "cronicle of higher education" that I linked to above. See fx the article by Levy et al.
I agree somewhat with the many ideas put forward when praising the use of Twitter in the classroom. But I think that maybe the teachers should use other tools than Twitter. Tools that are ment only for classroom activities. See fx this article.
It becomes difficult for me as a student if I all of the sudden have to use my Facebook or Twitter account for other things than my private life.
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