What happened? To 'google' is all of the certain a word that we use every day. Everyone knows what you are talking about when referring to this verb.
When I was a kid 'to google' was not something one did on www.google.com, but on fx www.yahoo.com or similar Danish wepages like fx www.jubii.dk or www.sol.dk. But nowadays this action is on google.com, and nowhere else.
This blogpost is not going to be about how we 'google' things, or on how google.com has succeeded in making the perfect search engine. Instead this blogpost will reflect on how this brand of google is developing new things all the time - and slowly taking over the world in many ways.
I surrendered recently and got a gmail.com after 10 years of having an yahoo-account. I am a frequent user of the google maps - especially their street view version is nice when you miss home, or when you need to go somewhere for the first time, and you are not sure of what it will look like. Also I use google translate many times throughout the day to understand slovene bills and webpages... or to look up English words I do not know. Google is simply genious. And it is hard for me to imagine life without these tools. Life just becomes easier. Google chrome is also worth mentioning. I really did not realise that there could be such a difference in internet browsers.. but there is! Al of the sudden the internet is faster, the browser translates everything for me, I can google in the same space as I write the address.. all so easy!
What is the future for Google? What will they come up with next? What will be the next thing that will make my life easier, the next thing that I simply cannot live without?
On the 1st of April this year Google posted this on their webpage, as the new 'thing':

A programme where one can control its Gmail by body movements -and language - instead of using the mouse.
Off course when you click the link you realise that this is maybe not really possible yet - but it really makes you think!!
In the same area (that of the human body) Google also made the programme googlebody .

A programme that lets you 'peel' of different layers of a human body... Perfect for school use fx.
Google is everywhere - now also inside the human body!!!! Developing a programme like this is really not in the original sphere of google products... but why not have a programme that reveals the deeper insides of the human being. In this way making man and computer technologies into one.
Google is really getting into every sphere. Spheres that you didnt even know existed. Spheres you didnt know related to the 'google'-empire.
I realise that this blog entry is grasping a lot of different subjects...
But really what Im trying to make my reader aware of, is that 'google' is everywhere. Google owns you.
Not only because more and more people use Google products, but also because we get addicted to it. We get addicted to googleing in the googlechrome browser... and we use programmes in ways we never thought of. Google knows you. Google has been inside your body - they realise what the human being needs in the future.